Sunday, July 13, 2008

I aint your dolly.


Sch was fine. Meetup with Julene for the payment for a tee :) After which,
Went to watch 'The Strangers', it turns out to be a disappointment.
Rated 2 stars for me. Regretted watching it, just that the sound effects were nice.
Home-d after the show. Dead beat man. Ha.
I'm still meeting another blogshopper tmr. Another on next friday.
Lol, 3 items can kill me alr. Can't imagine if i bought more uh. Haha.
Schedule fully packed, can't even get some time out of it to relax.
Today's H & F was fun. The cheaters group are oh-so-lovely manxz! :D
Alicer, Vivien, Km, Hongyao, Marcus, Dongcheng(?), Aisha.
Haha, nice nice nice. Just kind of unhappy with the other team.
All right. I stopped mapled alr. Uh, forget it. Okay, currently 11.48pm.
I chanced upon a lot of so-called ahlians blogs. Mostly were attached.
But what i saw from some was,
friendships were soured when EX-stead of one becomes CURRENT stead of one.
How fragile friendships can be. Simple acts, moves, words hurts.

Home-d and thought what i wrote to Shuyi. Have i hurt you with my words?
I'm speaking out my opinions only. I really hope you won't mind.
JMTX okay :)
Haha, laughs. Tmr's sch starts at 8.25am :D Perfectly all right!
Was kind of lucky today during assembly. Didn't get caught by Chua Ong.
Haha, phew. She's a nightmare okay. Haaa, mother tongue CT today.
Don't really understand but hope to score well uh. Maths test tooooooo.

Had girls talk today in class with Alicer, Viven & Km :) Relaxed.
There's still always a barrier. Ha, idk why too. Okay.
I'm getting sick of my blogskin? Feel like changing it. But, no inspirations.
Lol, haha. I feel like re-piercing my tongue lah. Broke broke broke ;/
Doubt so. A lot of people encouraged me to close it too. Ha, see how it goes.
I miss hanging out with sy and py. :(

Tags replies:

sharon: Ya lah ya lah. :D
afiq: *stunned* Haha, thks to you guys.
laurel: Yeahs, I'm always that steady manxz.
a person: Emms, you may :D But, can i have your url?
laurel: What talking you?
shuyii: I will . Mei x33
sharon: with muchloves:)
shuyii: mo si ke de yan lei .

Oh yes, I'm back agn :D
Overslept today, woke up pretty late but managed to meet km.
Racial Harmony Carnival today at MacP cc. I dread the weather manxzxz.
It's like super warm like the sun is just right beside us, going around asking.
Got rejected and I hate that feeling lah. Just got to put up with it.
Thks Anli for buying from me with no complaints at all. Haha, ily lah.
Been trying to avoid Chua Ong instead something bad happens to my hair uh.
Haha, prices were lowered at half price when we were left with little time.
Ya. Not really fantastic though. Okay, went Tampines with km after carnival.
To catch 'The Strangers', the time slot was like 7pm plus. End up we went E Hub.
Time slot was 3.10pm and 7pm +. We reached there at around 3.34pm.
Since we missed around 20mins, we decided to cab down to bedok princess.
Guess what? They did not have this movie. Both of our mood was spoiled lah.
Was around 4pm plus and decided to catch it tmr instead. :D
Went to KFC and had our lunch and home-d. Nice day though. Laughs.

Been blogshopping nowadays. Haha, online stuffs are cheaper then shops.
Really, waiting for my 3 items. Haha, gonna save up alr. Incase I've got no money.
I hate Leo manxz. Showing off his PSP slim to me. Grr, you watch out.
& Leo promised to buy SHORTS for meeeee :D Haha, all right.

Met up with Sis and Afiq yst at jurongpoint. Bus-ed down.
They took for like 999 hours to reach there lah. Waited & waited.
This two people were like mad okay?! Real maddddddd. Believe me :(
Got trapped and scream but to no avail. They're not afraid of being embarassed.
Gosh. Okay. Was nice. Oh yea. I gonna study real hard & get up to Poly.
Bec. someone promised to spon me to dye hair if i get up there. HAHA.
All right, i miss ting ting.

Bye earthlings.

Tags replies:

sharon: Whatever shit.
♥ Siti: Okay.
shuyii: Haha, paiseh. I missed out yours.
LIRONG: Haha, you too. Life gonna get better :) tc.
Junhan: Si rotten kantanggggs with your kantang queen DAP xD
laurel: Haha, you confirm with me lah. I steady steady de.

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